Exes is the app that’s for those who are not yet ready for dating apps... it's a platform where you can find support with other freshly heartbroken people who are experiencing relationship difficulties and who need the input from various perspectives or encouragement from the opposite sex to help them to repair, heal and get ready to give it another go or move on and find another person more like themselves. Some people have ended up finding their life partners in the same state of heartbreak and have been able to support each other and move onwards from a bad relationship into a healthy one. Some simply receive the advice they needed to hear and finally breakup or go forward together with a fresh perspective.

The Passport Bros Movement... What is a Passport Bro?
"I'm a passport bro who travels the world to date foreign women, I hope to settle down one day but for now I love exploring the world" This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Austin Abeyta, a 32-year-old digital nomad who's one of the most popular "passport bros" on TikTok. It's been edited for length and clarity.
These are the 12 signs you might be dating a narcissist
What is narcissistic abuse? Like many forms of psychological abuse, narcissistic abuse can be so dangerously subtle and insidious that you aren't even aware it's happening. That's why it's so important to ask: what is a narcissist?
9 Telltale Signs of a False Twin Flame
Is it possible to have a false Twin Flame experience? You don’t want to give yourself up to someone who claims to love you but truly doesn’t. How would you know the difference between a false Twin Flame and a true Twin Flame?


Exes is for those who are not ready to be around the harshness of the dating scene straight away and need the understanding of the others who are facing the same challenges with love. Exes is a safe space for the vulnerable to get support and also gain access to counsellors with real advice.